Emanuele Dovere_

Dovere (002)

Emanuele Dovere                  Deputy Director Master meGMI 

Emanuele Dovere graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bergamo. After an experience as a Design Engineer at Locatelli Eurocontainer, has obtained the  Executive Master in Industrial Asset Management and Maintenance  jointly provided by the MIP – Graduate School of Business of the Politecnico di Milano and SdM – School of Management of the University of Bergamo. Since 2009 he has worked in the CELS – Research Group on Industrial Engineering, Logistics and Service Operations of the University of Bergamo and is responsible for the Industrial Asset Management area. It carries out research and technology transfer activities in the field of Industrial Maintenance and Maintenance Engineering with particular focus on the development of diagnostic and prognostic tools. On these topics, he has participated in more than 30 industrial and research projects and has contributed to the drafting of several articles published in trade journals or proceedings of international scientific conferences. He is Deputy Director of MeGMI – Executive Master in Industrial Asset Management and Maintenance as well as member of the Extended Faculty of MIP of Politecnico di Milano. Since 2014 he has been the Reference Scheme for AICQ-SICEV for the Certification Scheme for Maintenance Personnel. In 2018 he was co-founder of EXOLVIA Srl, Spin Off of the University of Bergamo and Innovative Start Up, which develops software solutions and maintenance engineering projects.


  1. Emanuele Dovere, Giuditta Pezzotta, Gianluca Pezzotta, Fabiana Pirola, Paolo Gaiardelli, Pinto Roberto, Lagorio Alexandra; (2020) Using Total Cost of Ownership to Compare Supplier Product-Service System Offering   pp. 183-191, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-48021-9_21
  2. Emanuele Dovere, Roberto Sala, Fabiana Pirola, Sergio Cavalieri; (2019) A dual perspective workflow to improve data collection for maintenance delivery: an industrial case study  p.p. 485-492 DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-30000-5_60
  3. Emanuele Dovere, Luca Fasanotti, Sergio Cavalieri, Paolo Gaiardelli, Carlos E Pereira; (2018) An artificial immune intelligent maintenance system for distributed industrial environments , pp. 401-414, DOI 10.1177/1748006X1876920
  4. Emanuele Dovere, Sergio Cavalieri, Stefano Ierace; (2017) RFId systems for moveable asset management: an assessment modelpp. 1336-1349, DOI 10.1080/00207543.2016.1207818
  5. Luca Fasanotti, Emanuele Dovere, Enrico Cagnoni, Sergio Cavalieri; (2016)  An Application of Artificial Immune System in a Wastewater Treatment Plantpp.55-60 DOI 10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.11.010