Sergio Cavalieri_


Sergio Cavalieri, Ph.D
Rector of the University of Bergamo and full professor

Sergio Cavalieri is Rector of the University of Bergamo and full Professor at University of Bergamo.  He is Director of CELS -Research Group on Industrial Systems Engineering, Logistics and Service Operations, former coordinator of ASAP Service Management Forum, an Italian joint industry-academic After Sales Service Management Forum. He is member of IFIP WG 5.7, IFAC TC 5.1 on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, member of the Technical Development Steering Committee of the Supply Chain Council .He is currently member of the Board of Directors of U4I – University for Innovation, past-president of the Italian Association of Professors in Industrial Systems Engineering, Director of MeGMI – Executive Master on Industrial Asset Management promoted by SdM – School of Management and MIP – Politecnico di Milano, member of IFAC-TC 5.1 on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, member of IFIP WG 5.7, former member of the Technical Development Steering Committee of the Supply Chain Council.


  1. Lagorio Alexandra, Cimini Chiara, Pinto Roberto, Cavalieri Sergio(2023) 5G in Logistics 4.0: potential applications and challenges4th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCEpp. 650 – 659 
  2. Sala Roberto, Pirola Fabiana, Pezzotta Giuditta, Cavalieri Sergio(2022) NLP-based insights discovery for industrial asset and service improvement: an analysis of maintenance reports, 14th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems IMS 2022. Tel-Aviv, Israel, 28-30 March 2022pp. 522 – 527  
  3. Sala Roberto, Venuta Marco, Pirola Fabiana, Pezzotta Giuditta, Cavalieri Sergio(2022) IoT platform-enabled decision-making for maintenance service delivery in PSS context: a case studyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCT LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENTpp. 206 – 230
  4. Cimini Chiara, Cavalieri Sergio(2022) Industrial Smart Working: a socio-technical model for enabling successful implementation, 14th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems IMS 2022. Tel-Aviv, Israel, 28-30 March 2022pp. 505 – 510  
  5. Sala Roberto, Pirola Fabiana, Pezzotta Giuditta, Cavalieri Sergio(2022) Data-Driven Decision Making in Maintenance Service Delivery Process: A Case Study, APPLIED SCIENCESpp. 1 – 17