Stefano Dotti’s profile


 Academic position

Assistant Professor

Education and past experiences

He holds a Master degree in Management and Economics at the University of Bergamo in 1982. Since 2002, he is researcher and lecturer at University of Bergamo, where he teaches “Textile Materials” and “Textile Industry Technology” in the Management Engineering degree course (“Management in Textile & Fashion Sectors” path). Currently, he is Director of the Master Programme “Technologies and processes for the textile supply chain”, designed to develop a high level of understanding of modern textile technology.

He is involved in several industrial project in the textile area, acting as a bridge between the academic and the industrial world.


Teaching courses

Tecnologie industriali tessili I (Textile Industry Technology I) – 6 CFU

Corso integrato di Tecnologie industriali tessili (Tecnologie industriali tessili I e II) (Textile Industry Technology I and II) – 12 CFU

Materiali tessili (Textile Materials) – 6 CFU



Research interests

Functional textiles and applications, Fabric Technology, Sustainability in the textile sector

Contact details

CELS – Research Group on Industrial Engineering, Logistics and Service Operations

Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering, University of Bergamo

Viale Marconi 5, 24044 Dalmine (BG) – Italy

Ph.  +39-035-2052391/2059




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