The master for professionals in Asset Management
For over 15 years the Master in Industrial Asset Management and Maintenance (meGMI) has been forming professionals in Asset Management and its main aim is to keep and improve the value and the competitiveness of the companies in which they operate. The meGMI, national reference point about Asset Managers training, is jointly promoted by Polimi Graduate School of Management and by SdM – School of Management University of Bergamo. The Course ranks in the first place in the EdUniversal Best Masters Ranking in “Industrial and Operations Management” in 2022.
The Master meGMI is addresses at managers and professionals working in the area of industrial asset management and maintenance, infrastructural systems and related service providers. The main aim is training competences and know how in the industrial asset management, ranking from technical level to management and economic level. The meGMI represents a unique opportunity for companies that have decided to invest on high potential employees, for the following reasons:
- Part-time format and a modular structure which minimizes absence to work;
- Customization of the on the job activities, called maintenance bootcamp, used for a focus analysis on relevant topics for each companies;
- Through the “learning by doing”, the participants will be able to apply all the skills learning, becoming motivators for change and innovation;
- Possibility to get in touch with other participants from different companies and business reality, increasing the comparison of the maintenance best practices.
Viviana MOLARI
Tel : +39 035 20 52 385
Email : megmi@gsom.polimi.it
The aim of the Executive Master is to provide high levels of learning by each participants.
During the course, the Faculty will monitor the progress of the participants through formal and informal feedbacks. The classroom-taught modules will be associate to the “on-the job activities”, called Maintenance Bootcamp, used to apply in their own work context, the skills and the competences learning during the Course. This type of methodology allows the participants to immediately validate and apply the acquired competences, through a consulting relationship between academic tutors and also the companies will join a first direct feedback.
meGMI includes three macro areas: General Training, Asset Management Training and Managerial Training.
The duration of the Executive Master Industrial Asset Management and Maintenance is 18 months, beginning in October with a summer break during the month of August. To ensure better compatibility between work and training, the lessons are provided monthly in cycle of three days – Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
To obtain the title of Executive Master is required to attend at least 80% of the hours scheduled.
Participation is limited and subordinated to pass a tests, written assessment plus an interview, to evaluate the general and specific preparation, motivations, attitude to attend the Course and the qualification held.
The Master can be attended by all the people graduated as Master of Science or as bachelors. It would be preferable for the admission a degree in engineering or scientific disciplines. The admission of candidates with a secondary school certificate may be considered, after an evaluation of the individual professional experiences. To this candidates, who will attend the lessons of General Training and Asset Management Training, will achive the Executive Diploma in Industrial Asset Manegement and Maintenance.
The participation to the Master is subordinated to a selection of all the candidates who have sent their application within the second week of October. Datails and upload about admission and deadlines will be request to the contact person ( phone +39 035 20 52 385).
The cost of the registration fee is 16.000 €.
The enrolment fee at Politecnico di Milano (500€ for each participant) is not include in the registration fee.
The cost is VAT free.
To promote the development and professional training in the maintenance area, the Direction of the Master provide a total or partial contribution for one o more participants, who hold a role related to the maintenace area (with the exception of the enrolment fee at Politecnico di Milano).
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