Cluster – Smart Adaptive Manufacturing The ADAPTIVE project aims at developing technologies and solutions to enhance the ability of modern factories to be flexible and efficient, appropriately responding to unpredictable changes in market requests. The project aims to the development of innovative devices and machines for supporting the as-autonomous-as-possible reconfiguration […]
Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Fabbrica Intelligente (CTNFI) Project: Smart Manufacturing 2020. Development and application of new digital technologies in support of manufacturing. Project in collaboration with Brembo SpA. The “Cluster Tecnologico Nazionale Fabbrica Intelligente (CTNFI)” presented to MIUR 4 projects with the purpose of developing industrial research activities and […]
The project with ABB started in 2012 with the main aim to re-engineer the current ABB service portfolio and to improve effectiveness and efficiency of them. The project entails the application of SErvice Engineering Methodology (SEEM) to the ABB service processes. The methodology has been developed in the CELS research […]
The project is proposed as a goal the creation of two demonstrators applied to industrial manipulators and automatic assembly machines for the management and control of process parameters and alarm signals through the use of mobile devices. The CELS is proposed, within this project, to assess the basis of available […]
Nuove Proposte di Stage (al 06/12/2017) Galli e Garzetti Cortenuova (BG) Si propone un lavoro di Tesi Specialistica rivolto principalmente ai Laureandi dei corsi di Laurea in: Ingegneria Meccanica (Curriculum Produttivo e Meccatronico), Ingegneria Gestionale (Curriculum Industriale). Il lavoro riguarda lo studio di un sistema ad alta automazione […]