Academic position
Research Associate
Education and past experiences
She holds a master degree in Management Engineering and a PhD in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at University of Bergamo. After some experiences mainly related to Logistic and Supply chain management (Master of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management at MIT-Zaragoza Logistics Center in Spain; visiting PhD student at the Bowling Green State University (Ohio, USA)) she started to work on Product-Service field. Involved in many industrial projects, she is currently the exploring the adoption discrete events simulation to design and configure Product-Service solution trying to balance the excellence in the value channel and the productivity of the service related processes. She is author of more than 20 refereed international and national journals and conference papers.
Research interests
Supply Chain Risk Management, Planning Under Uncertainty, Information Systems, Supply Chain Management, System Thinking and System Dynamics.
Contact details
CELS – Research Group on Industrial Engineering, Logistics and Service Operations
Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering, University of Bergamo
Viale Marconi 5, 24044 Dalmine (BG), Italy
tel: +39 035 2052005 / +39 035 2052385
fax: +39 035 2052077
e-mail: fabiana.pirola@unibg.it