Academic position
Research Fellow
Education and past experiences
In particular, since 2006 she is working within the ASAP Service Management Forum and from the 2010 she is the responsible of the Automotive Section From 2011 she is coordinating the ProSSaliC (Product-service System along Lifecycle) project financed European Project – IRSES – EC Marie Currie action. Her current research interests are Service Engineering and Product-Service System. In these areas she is also strongly collaborating with the Tokyo Metropolitan University, where she was visiting researcher in 2010. She is author of more than 20 refereed international and national journals and conference papers.
In 2012, she has edited a special issue on these themes “Product Service System Engineering: From Theory to Industrial Applications” for Computers in Industry. She is a member of the International program committee of the International conference on Serviceology and of the Scientific committee of the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems, she is also member of the International PSS Design Research Community.
She is also interested in the Cooperation Development with Developing countries at University level. In particular, since 2010, in this research area she is investigating the Engineering Education field in collaboration with the University of Botswana, where she was also visiting researcher. She is also member of the Scientific committee of the UNESCO Chair in Bergamo (Italy).
Research interests
Product-Service, Service Engineering, Service Design, Product-Service Life Cycle.
Contact details
CELS – Research Group on Industrial Engineering, Logistics and Service Operations
Department of Management, Information and Production Engineering, University of Bergamo
Viale Marconi 5, 24044 Dalmine (BG), Italy
tel: +39 035 2052005 / +39 035 2052385
fax: +39 035 2052077