8th CIRP IPSS CONFERENCE, 20-21 June 2016
Product-Service Systems across Life Cycle
Theoretical and practical experiences show that transition towards Industrial Product-Service System pushes organizations to change their strategies, operations and value chains, technologies, people expertise and system integration capabilities. Innovative knowledge intensive solutions, business and societal value creation from expertise in varied domains, new solutions design, development and delivery throughout the product lifecycle are the key driver to promote a competitive advantage in the long term.
As a consequence, different competences and multidisciplinary approaches are requested to have a complete understanding of the IPSS (Industrial Product-Service System) and PSS (Product-Service System) phenomena. The aim of the IPSS 2016 (Product-Service Systems across Life Cycle) conference is to promote new knowledge in the Product- Service Systems field along its life cycle phases and facilitate its dissemination among academics and practitioners.
PSS Lifecycle Management, PSS and sustainability, New business models, PSS education and training, Economic assessment and PSS cost models, Design tools and methodologies for PSS, PSS knowledge management, Service Engineering, Quality management for PSS, New Service Development, Industrial marketing for PSS, Lean PSS, Risk management and challenges for PSS, Methods and tools for Product-Service value analysis, Legal consideration in PSS, Design for service, Networking and organization PSS strategies, Application of PSS in the B2B industry or in the B2C industry, PSS design and planning strategies, Maintenance and service through Lifecycle, Organizational transformation for PSS, Impact of technology on service design, service processes and management.
Important dates
Abstract Due 1 November 2015
Notification of accepted abstract 20 November 2015
Paper Due 15 December 2015
Notification of accepted papers 1 February 2016
Final Paper Submission (camera ready) 25 February 2016
Conference co-chairs
Prof. Sergio Cavalieri – University of Bergamo
Prof. Elisabetta Ceretti – University of Brescia
Prof. Tullio Tolio – Institute of Industrial Technologies and Automation (CNR)
Organizing committee chair
Dr. Giuditta Pezzotta – University of Bergamo
E-mail: ipss2016@unibg.it
Conference website: ipss2016.unibg.it