Services in Bergamo manifacturing: obstacle or opportunity?

19/11/2014, Engineering Campus, Dalmine

The evolution towards services in the manufacturing context

Research Group on Industrial Engineering, Logistics and Service Operations (CELS)


The seminar was organized by Paolo Gaiardelli (CELS) and its main theme was the servitization process in manufacturing SME, in particular changing process for which some manufacturing firms decided to change itself  from single goods manufactured to providers for integrated solution of product-service.

The keynote speaker of the workshop was Dr. Iain McKechnie from Aston Business School (UK). He shows how english SME are facing  the servitization process and the profits they obtained.

Before his speech, the researcer of CELS talking about the main evidence of a survey planning in Bergamo territory that has involved  more than 300 manufacturing SME on service theme. This survey is collocated inside the research project called “Analisi e valutazione delle determinanti per la progettazione e gestione di soluzioni integrate di prodotto-servizio” supported inside the project TALY® (Italian TALented Young ®esearchers).

International guest: Iain McKechnie (Aston Business School)



20/11/2014, Palazzo dei Contratti e delle Manifestazioni, Bergamo

Services in Bergamo manifacturing: obstacle or opportunity?

Research Group on Industrial Engineering, Logistics and Service Operations (CELS) in collaboration with Bergamo Sviluppo


From many years CELS is working on servitization, who is the process  which by a lot of manufacturing SMEs are developing to change the business model from selling products to give integrated solutions of product-service.

In 2013, with the program ITALY® (Italian TALented Young ®esearchers) a research called “Analysis and evaluation to define the design and to manage the integrated product service solutions” was supported to evaluate the maturity level of services given by SMEs in bergamo’s region.

The research was conducted by surveys and case studies involving 303 manufacturing SMEs. 

In the  final event, on 20th november, the research results have been presented by Paolo Gaiardelli (CELS) e Fabiana Pirola (CELS), after an introduction speech of Gianluigi Viscardi (Vicepresidente Confindustria Bergamo con delega all’Innovazione, Tecnologia e Start-up e Vicepresidente Bergamo Sviluppo – Azienda Speciale CCIAA). Following the presentation of research results, Iain McKechnie (Aston Business School) has talked about servitization process of english SMEs. The event was closed by a round table, coordinating by Prof. Paolo Gaiardelli, with this exponents of industrial and academic world: Vittoria Guadalupi (Vinservice S.r.l.), Demetrio Trussardi (Comelit S.p.A.), Daniela Andreini (Università degli Studi di Bergamo), Ivan Capelli (CMS Industries S.p.A.) e Iain McKechnie (Aston Business School).

International guest: Iain McKechnie (Aston Business School) 

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